Relaxation and Meditation Workshop
Modern people are busy working in life, so they have not really relax themselves for the very long time. Now, it is time to indulge yourself more. It is time to create relaxing time and space. Taking a deep rest then you can bring yourself more power and energy allowing to achieve your life goal.
In Taiwan, relaxation and meditation activities have become more and more popular. Sugi, comes from Taiwan, focuses entirely on natural healing, relaxation, and meditation learning and leading. This time, he comes to Philippines and wishes to teach people who want to create a new life without sorrow.
Free Class: To Create a New Life with Relaxation (Jul. 16)
1st Class: Breathing Relaxation and Meditation (Jul. 23)
2nd Class: Voice Frequency Relaxation and Meditation (Aug. 6)
3rd Class: Rhythm Relaxation and Meditation (Aug. 20)
4th Class: Dynamic Relaxation and Meditation (Sep. 3)
Place: Kian Tiak Institute (Villa Perpetua Subv. Matatalaib, Tarlac City)
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Fee: Php 1200 pesos (for all sessions)
Tel: (045)982-1032
About Sugi:
Sugi comes from Taiwan. He focuses on relaxation and meditation for five (5) years. Now, he wants to share what he has learned to all people. He also provides several natural healing methods, including Advanced Professional Usui Reiki, Magnified Healing, Tibetan Singing Bowl Healing, and Crystal Healing.